You want to stay connected. Sometimes, you struggle to reach her. She is pushing you away, and then needing you…
It’s a scary new world, with the internet and hyper-sexualized media, and you feel inept to address all of this in a way that is helpful…
Things are coming up for you, about your own sexual maturity as you watch her develop. You want to guide her into becoming an incredible woman and to be worthy of the role…
This is your opportunity to have a devoted, professional guide to get through your child’s sexual maturity well. We will define what success means for you, and create a plan to achieve your goals as a parent. This program is a combination of consulting & professional coaching, where you can benefit from over a decade of expertise in sexual health while enjoying private, personalized support. We may explore secure attachment parenting in the tween/teen years, healthy sexuality, navigating tensions with ease, body image, media literacy, positive communication, gender identity, orientation and/or expression. Any and all topics are welcomed! You can also expect regular awareness of self-care for you as a parent as things become more clear.
Research shows that a strong connection to a parent is the number one preventative factor in helping teens avoid common risks of this stage. How do we keep that connection strong amidst such change? Let’s get started . . .
Open to mothers, fathers & caregivers of girls (self-identified included) of all orientations and expressions around the world. Includes the Raising Sexually Healthy Kids workbook, 3rd edition.
Sessions are scheduled weekly, at your convenience, over three full months. Clients may choose to adjust to every other week after the mid-way point, to extend the time to enjoy support.
Package Includes:
One (1) 90-minute Discovery Session
Eight (8) 60-minute weekly sessions
Two (2) 120-minute sessions, for more in-depth support*
One (1) 90-minute conclusion session
Raising Sexually Healthy Kids Workbook
Latest Resources List
Follow-up Report, Outlining Key Breakthroughs & Goals
* a co-parent may join in on the two (2) 120 minute sessions
Twelve (12) total sessions of varying length, a Workbook with Tips & Research and Follow-up Report
Respect & Confidentiality are my highest values in sexual health consulting and coaching. I use Free Conference Call for remote sessions, for greater privacy and anonymity.
What is the value of investing in yourself and your relationships this way? Visit the Impact page, to learn more…
I see clients local to Bellingham, Washington in the office Monday and Thursday mornings. I see clients remotely, from around the world, by appointment.
To schedule a Free 20 minute Call, please visit:
Want to take a smaller, yet fully meaningful step before you begin? Consider a Happening Right Now Session.
This personalized program starts at your convenience. If you are ready to register now, go Here.
To learn more about Professional Coaching & Consulting, please visit this page.
Please email with any questions.
Recommended Reading:
Getting to Calm: Cool-Headed Strategies for Raising Tweens & Teens, by Laura Kastner, PhD
Sex, Likes & Social Media: Talking to Our Teens in the Digital Age, by Allison Havey & Deana Puccio